C. CIMMONE, Founder & Editor-in-Chief
C. Cimmone is an author and comic from Texas. Her work has been featured in both print and digital literary journals. Cimmone likes to go against the grain and is good in a fight.
Website: www.ccimmone.com | Twitter: @diefunnier

LISA LERMA WEBER, Executive Editor
Managing Editor of MISFIT MICROS, Contest Manager
Lisa lives in San Diego, CA. She writes so she doesn’t explode. Her words and photography have appeared online and in print. When not writing, she enjoys boxing, dreaming about weird shit, and singing terribly.
Twitter: @LisaLermaWeber

CHRIS G., Executive Assistant
Editorial Assistant, Photography Contributor, Human Resources Director
Chris is a paralegal and self-proclaimed hoarder who loves spending time with family, marching band, baking with her daughter, and watching too much television. She raises pigs and chickens with her family on their property in Central Texas, and finds many opportunities to photograph scenes from everyday life without leaving her home.

DANA KNOTT, Executive Assistant
Social Media Coordinator
Dana is an academic library director, writer, reader, and blue ribbon baker.
Ask her about cats.

KT, Executive Assistant
Website Editor
KT lives in Arizona with her partner and three wily Boston Terriers. She is obsessed with all things storytelling, performing, and creating. She trains as an aerialist and contortionist and is a sucker for a good true-crime podcast.

M.E. West, Executive Assistant
Design Assistant & Reader
Growing up as a latchkey kid, M.E. West quickly learned to entertain herself as a kid, which included things like reading books on mythology, magick, trauma, and adventure of all sorts. She has lived a life of travel herself, exposed to many types of people and places, which helps her have a more well rounded view of the world and appreciation for the arts of all types.

Immediate Response Editor
THE ANGRY ROBOT fears no one, sleeps a lot, and is easily aggravated. She spits out poetry rejections within minutes - sometimes even seconds. Haven't met her yet? Keep an eye out for her contest hours on your Twitter feed.
*VERSIFICATION is not responsible for crushed souls, dreams, or egos. Poets play at their own risk.
Amy-Jean Muller is an artist, writer and poet from South Africa who lives and works in London. Both her art and writing explore culture, memory, mental health, identity, and sexuality. She has exhibited her art in South Africa and London. Her writing can be found in various publications and is a regular contributor for Versification and The Daily Drunk. Her book, Baptism by Fire, was released in January 2021 through Close to the Bone. She also writes transgressive fiction and is currently completing her first novel and collection of short stories. | amyjeanmuller.com | Twitter: @muller_aj | Instagram: @amy_jean13
Kip Knott is a poet, writer, photographer, and part-time art dealer living in Delaware, Ohio. His dog, Whitman, is named for a poet, a chocolate, and an AWOL soldier. He is the author of three full-length poetry collections, one full-length book of stories, six poetry chapbooks, three sets of wedding vows, and two obituaries. You can find him on Instagram at @kip.knott.
David Calogero Centorbi is a writer that in the 90's earned an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona. Now, he is writing and working in Detroit, MI. He is the author of Landscapes of You and Me, (AlienBuddha press.) AFTER FALLING INTO DISARRAY (Daily Drunk Press) He can be found here on Twitter: @DavidCaCentorbi. Blog: davidcentorbi.blogspot.com
Steve is a writer and runner based in Warwick, New York. His fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Hobart, A-Minor, After the Pause, Barren Magazine, Maudlin House, Pithead Chapel, and others. In addition to writing fiction, he has composed and recorded five albums of original music. His fiction can be found at: https://stevegergleyauthor.wordpress.com/
Damian is the author of five chapbooks of poetry and a member of the Nü Profits of Poetic Discord. He is the unofficial poet laureate of every 711 in New Jersey and his work has recently appeared on gas station bathroom stalls across the Midwest. His column Musings of a Derelict Poet runs monthly on Red Fez and his poetry readings usually get shut down by police.
Amanda is a writer and artist whose work has been published in Barren Magazine, Eastern Iowa Review, The Hellebore, and more. She is the author of The Darkened Mirror and Where Wild Beasts Grow, forthcoming from Fitzroy Books in 2022, as well as five collections of poetry. She is also a Best of the Net, Pushcart Prize, and Indie Horror Book Award nominee. Amanda currently lives in Kentucky with her husband and two children. Find her on Twitter: @MandyGCrum
Fizza Abbas
Fizza Abbas is based in Karachi, Pakistan. She has experimented with various career fields because she never knew what she wanted to do unless she discovered poetry. She is a big fan of Sylvia Plath. Her work has been published in more than 70 platforms, in both online and print. Her chapbook, Bakho, is also forthcoming from Ethel Zine and Micro-Press in 2021. When she is not writing, she is mostly watching Attack on Titans or Doctor Who.
KDK (she/her) is a Poet, Pagan, Comrade, Witch, Fur Mother, & Friend. While studying philosophy full time along with three other jobs, KDK finds herself often writing about class consciousness, alienation, failed daughters, and trauma. In poetry, she believes honesty to be necessary. She is published in Stone of Madness Press, The Daily Drunk Magazine, Burning Jade Lit, The Feminist Wire, & Energeia. "We Have a World to Win!"
James Lilley, 33, is a married father of three from Swansea, Wales. He works as a network engineer by day, is a retired professional boxer, and an active Bareknuckle and MMA fighter. Lilley has been writing as a hobby since he was young, recently deciding to take the hobby more seriously by beginning his degree in Creative Writing.
Addison Walton is an undergraduate student at Michigan State University double majoring in Arts and Humanities and English-Creative Writing. Her work has been seen in Versification Zine and Black Feminist Collective. When she’s not busy debating the meaning of life with her friends she’s reworking a single line in a poem or taking naps to avoid the existential dread that fills her up when she’s sat alone in a quiet room. She also likes video games and food. Find her on Twitter @mockturtleneck_
Mark Danowsky is EIC of ONE ART: a journal of poetry and Senior Editor at Schuylkill Valley Journal. He is an unlicensed counselor and pharmacologist. | Website: markdanowsky.blogspot.com/ | Poetry Consultant: VRS CRFT | Facebook: @markdanowsky | Twitter: @markdanowsky | Instagram: @markdanowsky
Bob Carlton (Twitter @bobcarlton3) lives and works in Leander, TX. Living a life of no outward incidents worthy of note may be why he writes. Or not. At any rate, his meager publication record and two Pushcart nominations have turned him into an insufferable bore to those who must listen to him, especially unwary editors attempting to solicit interesting and exciting bio notes.